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Why training?  Why would your safety team need to train and exercise and have a plan? 

Well, the answer is simple...  so that in the even of an emergency, there are voices of calm who con lead the people away from the danger or the emergency.


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A medical emergency?  There are people in place who can take charge and handle it.

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A fire in the building?  The very last thing anyone needs is a panic.  having trained safety team members who are prepared to lead can help save lives.

A potential human threat such as an active shooter or estranged spouse?  The safety team should know how to deescalate those situations.  Or, if that is not possible, how to handle them in a professional manner that will not put the lives of others at risk.


No matter what situations your team and your organization may face, a well trained safety team will give the organization's leadership the peace of mind they need.


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